Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tiffany's Quilt

Tiffany is a Team in Training member from the Greater LA family. She sent me 30 t-shirt squares which she had cut out from her Harley Davidson collection of shirts (she used to be a motorcycle mechanic in Ohio). Some of the squares were from tanktops and were obviously very well loved and let's be honest, Tiffany has a really nice um rack, and so they were a bit stretched out :) It was a little difficult to sew them together, but I put them together as best I could in the middle of the quilt so they wouldn't be as pulled along the outside. I had some corderouy left over from a Rogue costume I tried to make a few years ago, that I used for the border and a whole lot of red fabric left over from a quilt I had started in 2009 when I was living in LA (which I still haven't finished).

One of the shirts Tiffany sent had a pocket on the breast and I incorporated it into the quilt so that she can put her cell phone or remote control in it while she's watching TV.

Kitten approved!

This is a heavier quilt, due to the cordorouy and the batting, and Tiffany lives in LA, but I think it will be nice on chilly winter days.

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