Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Kristina's Quilt

Kristina is a runner and volunteer and the Leadership Giving Manager for a non-profit organization in Northern Virginia, Doorways for Women and Families, which seeks to create pathways out of domestic violence and homelessness toward safe and stable lives in order to have a future without homelessness - or domestic violence.

She gave me 16 t-shirts from different walks where she has volunteered, the Chicago Marathon which she ran a few years ago, different volunteer events, and t-shirts from her youth which are just really super soft!

I used a flannel backing with swallows which I believe used to be some curtains or pajama pants that I picked up at a clothing swap in Delaware in 2011 and the batting was from the trim of another quilt project, just the right amount! I love it when that happens.

Her birthday happened to be two weeks before Christmas and I was able to put it together to give it to her as a surprise

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